Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bluetooth Technology Advantages and Disadvantages

Bluetooth technology is leading the future of wireless connections between different technological devices.  Bluetooth is built into a variety of different devices including: phones, iPods, headsets, and even medical equipment.  It lets you make calls, listen to music, and send all kinds of information wirelessly, without any cable connections (Bluetooth SIG, 2011, p. 2).  The main objective of Bluetooth is to eliminate the need to, “connect, plug in, install, enable or configure anything to anything else (Bray and Sturman, 2001, p. 1).  Data exchange without wires is the staple of Bluetooth technology.  It can also be used to connect to LAN networks (local area networks).  Here is a video of some exaples of Bluetooth and how it works
 Advantages of Bluetooth Technology

  • It is cheap
  • Easy to install
  • It makes connecting to different devices convenient 
  • It is wireless
  • It is free to use if the device is installed with it
Disadvantages of Bluetooth Technology
  • It can be hacked into
  • If installed on a cellphone it is prone to receiving cell phone viruses 
  • It only allows short range communication between devices
  • It can only connect two devices at once
  • It can lose connection in certain conditions 

Bray, J., & Sturman, C. F. (2001). Bluetooth: connect without cables.  Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall PTR.
This book is a basic summary of Bluetooth's origins all the way to future developments, it was written by two authors who have degrees in software and electrical engineering.
Fast Facts. (2011, December 3). The Official Bluetooth Technology Web Site. Retrieved October 4, 2011, from
This source comes from the official Bluetooth website and most likely has the most accurate and current information on Bluetooth and its application.
Franklin, C., & Layton, J. (2011.). HowStuffWorks "Bluetooth Security". HowStuffWorks "Electronics". Retrieved October 4, 2011, from is a very reliable website that is actually run by the discovery Channel. It has a lot of information on Bluetooth and is well cross-referenced. 


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The advantages of Bluetooth Technology is that it is cheap, convenient, and easy to install. It also easily connects two technological devises together with no wires. The disadvantages are that it can be hacked into and is also prone to viruses. It can also only communicate short range. I have personally used with this technology mainly for connected my cellphone to my computer to share pictures, as well as wirelessly connecting my computer to a printer.